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Editorial – 15 edition

RECTOR'S BLOGContenido más visitado Hi Everyone.Welcome to the May edition of the Rector’s blog. I hope you all enjoyed a restful and relaxing Easter Holidays and are all ready to go for the last busy few weeks of the academic...

Hello everybody and welcome to the Rector’s Blog for March.

It is good to see all of you. I hope you are all safe, well and enjoying the year so far.

At The English School, our vision is to be an agent of change for Colombia and the world by educating global citizens that are inspired and guided by the core values of integrity, excellence and social and environmental responsibility and awareness.

To help us with this initiative and to promote international mindedness and global citizenship, today we will be meeting the Round Square and TESMUN teams to talk a little bit about their contributions and roles in the school.

Antonia Rubio and Manuela Grimaldos of Grade 9-2 (Round Square):
Round Square encourages students to take part in a range of community service activities both locally and globally. This idea is based on six pillars: Spirit of Internationalism, Spirit of Democracy, Spirit of Environmentalism, Spirit of Adventure, Spirit of Leadership and Spirit of Service.

Those students who decide to take part in Round Square will be able to develop a various range of skills in which they can act locally but think globally and have an open-minded vision of our planet. In fact, in previous years, we have been trying to develop different sets of activities that have been helping us to develop these pillars.

For example, we have attended conferences globally where we get to discuss different topics that affect today’s society. In these meetings, we not only get to meet new people but also get different perspectives on these topics.

We’ve also made different decorations around the school, such as the bridge that connects the Primary and Secondary buildings, where we made a peace memorial to remember Malala’s legacy.

Recently, we have been able to do some leadership workshops for students of Grade 7, where they have been able not only to develop but also learn what a good and effective leader is. We also held a Spanish Language Virtual Lab in which we attempted to teach a bit of Spanish to students from all over the world.

We’re really looking forward to creating new projects where we have these diverse experiences for every student in the school and other schools.

Andrés Posada (Sponsor TESMUN):
Hola. Me llamo Andrés Posada y soy el coordinador de TESMUN, el Modelo de Naciones Unidas de The English School. Para aquellos que no están familiarizados con el concepto de Modelo de Naciones Unidas, se trata de una simulación de lo que ocurre realmente  en la Organización de Naciones Unidas. Cada estudiante representa a un país, investiga sobre él y debate con otros delegados. Nuestros estudiantes aprenden sobre diplomacia, negociación y temas globales. En el proceso, también desarrollan habilidades que incluyen la investigación, la confrontación de fuentes, la oratoria y la autogestión. TESMUN refuerza todo lo que hacemos en clase y lleva a nuestros estudiantes más allá.

Gabriela Posada of Grade 10 (TESMUN):
TESMUN, being a resilient academic organisation, is now the real epiphany of what makes our school a space that promotes, not only academic excellence but also personal fulfilment.

We, as TESMUN members, have, for almost two decades, sought a healthy development contribution that fosters collective well-being. There’s no doubt that projects like these do not have the total ability to transform our world within the blink of an eye. However, we believe that they do create individuals capable of such change.

We endure the creation of a loving community, or may I say, family, that paves its way towards the transformation we want to see in all international fields. Not only is academic enforcement evident, but also, as I mentioned previously, TESMUN promotes the improvement of one’s individuality.

As I heard at some point by another Secretary-General, in environments like this, even the ordinary can become extraordinary.

Aquí concluye el Blog del Rector del mes de marzo. Muchas gracias por escuchar y espero que todos se sientan inspirados a tener una mentalidad internacional y a ser ciudadanos globales para tener un impacto positivo en las comunidades locales y globales.

 Esperamos verlos el mes que viene en la próxima edición del Blog del Rector. 


Adam Bennett
Head of School and Rector – The English School