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By filling in the form below, it is understood that you unequivocally accept the terms and conditions of our Data Processing Policies and Procedures Internal Handbook . This allows the Fundación Educativa de Inglaterra and its educational establishments to handle data confidentially and following the obligations arising from Law 1581 of 2012 and other regulations governing the matter. It is your right to know, modify, update, delete, revoke, correct and/or rectify the authorisation to handle your data by sending an e-mail to childprotection@englishschool.edu.co.

Furthermore, when submitting any request, please consider the importance of doing so, under the principles of confidentiality, responsibility and truthfulness of the information reported.

The reports submitted here and which are related to situations of well-being, the safety of our community members or our Child Protection and Safety Policy  will be dealt with following the Comprehensive Care Route for School Coexistence (Infographic) and the Directory of Protocols for Comprehensive Care for School Coexistence and the Exercise of Sexual and Reproductive Human Rights.
